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Married to my fantastic & handsome hubby with 3 perfect beautiful kids (stop gagging that's the last gooey thing I promise)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So many things, so little time...

So it's been a crazy month and I haven't been good about posting, so I've now done a ton, we did our tradition of the scavenger hunt on Christmas eve-eve tonight. I took the kids out to run some errands and while we were gone Ryan put together the hunt with all the clues. He likes to send them up and down the stairs and outside and all over so they are panting and tired when they finally get the prize. This year it was a dvd for the family to watch together. Tomorrow we will do the hunt for the pickle on the tree and whoever finds it gets an extra present to open before bed. I love this time of year. We spend so much more time together doing fun stuff...


Erika said...

Oh, I love the traditions...the scavenger hunt sounds fabulous!! Have a Merry Christmas!

Cara said...

That sounds fun. We might have to start something like that. Merry Christmas!!!

JaNae said...

I am loving the tradition thing......hope you don't mind that I steal the pickle idea and use it next year!
How in the world did you ever come up with that one?

Sally said...

It's actually a German thing (I think it's German, but not according to this websight http://german.about.com/library/blgermyth11.htm )but that's how it started with us!! You can find pickle ornaments, but sometimes they are hard to find. I got mine at the flower shop I used to work at in Lindon but that was about 8 years ago. Have fun with it!!