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Married to my fantastic & handsome hubby with 3 perfect beautiful kids (stop gagging that's the last gooey thing I promise)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So it all happened yesterday...
I was driving Kyle to school listening to Christmas music on the radio.
here is the whole conversation:
He innocently turns to me and says,
"Mom, is Santa real?" (now he has asked this question before, and always asking him "what do you think" and having the answer "I think he is real" has been enough. But this year he was adamant...)
"Well do you think he's real?"
"Mom, just answer me"
"I want to hear what you think first"
"I think Dad and you get up really early and wrap the presents and write from Santa on them"
"I'd like to think he's real, but I think you and Dad do it"
"well then just keep believing"
"but I really want to know, I want you to tell me"
"tell you what, when you get home from school, we'll sit down and you can ask Dad the same question"
"but I want to know now"
"after school, ask Dad"
"ok fine"
Nothing like throwing your spouse under the bus huh??
Needless to say after dinner last night he sat down with us and asked again. Ryan kept telling him there are some questions you don't really want the answer to, so you should stop asking the question. But he said he would rather know even if it meant that Santa wasn't real. So Ryan told him, and he was a little sad but ok with the whole thing. We told him not to talk about it with anyone and not to ruin it for anyone who may not know yet. He said we could still pretend that he was real. Now I just hope he really doesn't say anything at school...


Christie Rogers said...

WHAT?!? So, you're saying you don't believe in Santa??? You guys need to all sit down and watch "The Polar Express"!

Also, make sure Kyle doesn't share this crazy notion that Santa isn't real with any of his cousins either! ;)

Natalie said...

Oh, this is so sweet! Poor baby! It's always sad remembering that moment when it wasn't real for you anymore. Though, you guys did it a lot better than many parents! Most of them just "slip up" and get caught. :) You're so responsible, Sally! :D

Cute But Dorky said...

I almost cried reading this. He is so sweet. Did I mention your house looks awesome?

Mandy said...

Hey Sally! Love the blog! Dads need to have some hard conversations once in awhile, it's just so sad that he is your last!


JaNae said...

What Santa's not real!!!!! Ryan is right, there are some thing you just don't want to know :)

Oh man I am not looking forward to that one with Jozie.

Erika said...

Oh, I'm not looking forward to this...Brynna has asked similar questions, but I'm still able to dodge them.

Cara said...

Of course Santa is real.....if he's not, how do all the presents get there???

Trent has asked the same thing and I've said the same, "What do you think?" and he says, I think he's real, and I say, that's good because as soon as you stop believing, there's no presents from him.

Did you give Ry a heads up on this topic of conversation????