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Married to my fantastic & handsome hubby with 3 perfect beautiful kids (stop gagging that's the last gooey thing I promise)

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yup this is the kid, the one who is constantly grounded for grades. We've taken away everything before, and I do mean everything. No TV, no video games, no friends, no phone (home or cell), no computer, the poor kid had nothing, but books to read, and we even had to take those once because he was reading instead of doing homework. And then I get his progress report... 3 A's and 1 B, I'm not kidding. I knew he had it in him! I jumped for joy when I got the progress report in the mail. What a kid :)


Pam said...

Good for him!! It takes hard work to get those grades!

JaNae said...

Keep it up Aaron!

aliciamae100 said...

YAY! You gotta pass my 'congrats' on to Aaron! Sure miss him!!

Cara said...

Woo hoo Aaron! Keep up the good work.